AI Art gallery of this week: I brought you some pictures and thoughts about All Saints’ Day and All Souls’ Day. Both are Christian holidays, All Saints’ Day is the day of remembrance of saved souls.
During this period, besides Halloween, it is even more important to remember our loved ones who have left the physical plane. This is what the feast of All Saints is for. With these few pictures I would like to illustrate the important moments of this period. Let’s not forget to remember our departed loved ones and keep their memory in our hearts.
Prompt #1: Generate a 3:2 aspect ratio digital painting, early November, the sun is about to set, but the sun’s disk is partly visible due to the cloudy sky, the sky is glowing with soft bluish-purple lights. A middle-aged man puts flowers in the white plastic vase on his mother’s grave. The man is holding the hand of his five-year-old daughter, the wife stands on the other side of the grave. All of them are understatedly elegant, beautiful but colorless clothes. The whole picture exudes an atmosphere of intimacy, a respectful remembrance of their departed loved one. In addition to the grave, there are other beautiful and well-kept graves, on which are arranged plants, flowers, shining candlesticks and reddish-brown, yellow, rust-brown and greenish-yellow autumn leaves that have fallen from the trees. In the background there is a very light fog and huge sycamore and maple trees with their thick trunks and beautiful branch structure are a wonderful sight. In the distance are some tall, slender pines.

Prompt #2: 3:2 aspect ratio early evening (blue hour), close-up cinematic photo with narrow depth of field, bokeh effect in the background, burning candles on a marble tombstone, the candles are reflected on the smooth surface with the wax flowing down their sides, a halo shines around the candle flames , which fills the image with warmth.

Prompt #3: Dull color fresco with saints standing in 3 rows, 12-14 saints next to each other.
In the lower row, closest to us, there are female saints. The 3-4 women in black and white clothes are actually nuns.
In the middle row are holy men of middle age, mostly brown, with short, curly hair, some have long brown beards, some hold golden shepherd’s staffs, their legs are covered by the torsos and halos of the women in the lower row.
In the back row are gray haired bearded male saints, their legs covered by the torsos and halos of the men in the middle row.
Everyone is in dark gray or red or blue or dark green cloaks. Their legs and feet are not visible because they are completely covered by the long cloak. Some saints looking at the painter, but most look to the left. Around each head is a halo. Some saints are holding bible with gold ornament, while others are praying.

I hope that this is the beginning of a peaceful and calm period of the year for you, and that you will have the opportunity to turn to yourself, spend time with your loved ones and remember those who have passed away.